Unusual Partnership: Exploring the Connection Between People and the Extinct Fox in Argentine Patagonia

Uncovering the Secrets of the Extinct Fox

During archaeological excavations, described as a «rare and unusual discovery,» scientists have uncovered the bones of an extinct fox and found evidence of its «strong connection» with humans. The remains of the animal, approximately 1500 years old, were found in the Argentinean Patagonia. According to the study, the Dusicyon avus fox, or Falkland Islands wolf, was presumably a «valuable companion to groups of hunter-gatherers.»

These conclusions are based on the analysis of the fox and human skeletons buried together. Despite a lack of cut marks on the bones, scientists speculate that the fox was a domestic animal, rather than a hunting target. This is supported by similarities in the diets of the fox and the humans buried at the same site.

The research findings were published in the journal «Royal Society Open Science.» The authors of the study emphasize that the burial of the fox alongside humans indicates its significance to the society of that time.